Orchids from the Garden of Chateau Du Mer, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines
Why am I writing for ViewsHound?
Allow me to give you some background on my ViewsHound (VH) activities. I started writing for this widely-read Internet magazine in August and I discovered it via Facebook. Today, I am proud to announce that I have written more than 50 articles. I have one Gold winning article, over 14,500 views, 18 followers and seven badges. My goal is to write at least 75 articles by June, 2012 and 100 articles by the end of 2012.
Every day I learn new things from the articles written by good and great writers in the VH community. Among my favorite writers are Jan Bird, Deb Hamilton, Jessica Willoughby, Chris Keith, Susan Creamer Joy, Amy Abbott, Michelle Dragoo, Richard Brown, Kevin Coolidge, Fernando Lachica, Joseph Turner, Tony Gilbert, Michele Strangis Stefanides, Debra Copley Reynolds, Leslie Silverman, Gianandrea Maoli, Brittni Hill, Nick Nafpliotis, Dennis Page and Bob Simpson. I also enjoy the poems of Vic Vizarra, Fernando Lachica and Guido Freddy Panes as well as the cartoons and articles of Robert Enders and the photography of Jan Bird, Linda Seccaspina and Viga Boland.
My two most commented articles were "I have an inferiority complex writing for ViewsHound" and "Am I a born or made writer?" My most "Liked" article and a gold prize winner was "My childhood memories of the Japanese-American war in the Philippines". My least commented article, although my favorite posting was "September 11, 2001- 10th anniversary is fast approaching". My article that received the most reader points (14) was "Volunteer work-my heaven in Earth" but it did not win the reader's award. I believe my two worst articles with the least comments were "Psychics and palmistry" and "Somniloquy and somnambulism".
My top commentators are Vic Vizarra, Fernando Lachica, Lorna Arota, Jan Bird, Jessica Willoughby and Freddy Pedroso Panes. Thank you Vic, Fernando, Jan, Lorna, Jessica and Freddy for your comments. I will accept negative comments and/or constructive criticism if it means improvement.
My favorite comment is from Deb Hamilton, calling me the illustrious "David Katague".
I have also submitted six photographs. One of my photos, Reflections, received a couple of positive comments, although it did not win an award. One of the comments was from Lorna Paroginog Arota
as follows:
"You mentioned in your profile that you love photography..and it shows in this beautiful picture. You captured the essence of a gorgeous sunset afterglow( my favorite one in this picture ). National geographic should be calling you by now.. just love it!"
So why do I write for ViewsHound? First, I enjoy writing. Secondly, to advertise my beach resort in the Philippines and last but not least it is to get affirmation from readers and other writers that they enjoy reading my articles. Reading positive comments from others is an ego boast and makes me feel alive and useful during this stage of my life (retirement and old age).
Getting a monetary award and badges are another ego boost, but I have learned these are no longer my primary incentives for writing for ViewsHound. I have also learned not to compare myself to the other writers on here. I have my own style of writing and if I write from the heart, nothing can go wrong.
So how about you? What are your reasons for writing for ViewsHound? I will be delighted to hear from you.
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