Tuesday, February 4, 2025

My Barrel Cacti Collection

I have 18 barrel cacti collection (see photo above).  My Plan for 2025 is to give one of these to friends and relatives that have or will touched my life here at THD. I plan on keeping only 6 in my collection. So I have 12 to give away in the next 12 months.  I hope if I offer to give you one, you will not refuse.  

I have already given two cacti plants to my two relatives last week. They visited me and brought with them one of my favorite Filipino Dish- Kare-Kare.  I have still a few to give away in the next 12 months. 


Speaking of my Cacti Collection- This reminded me of my other plant collection in my younger years in the Philippines. I have a collection of Succulents/Cacti, Hibiscus, Bougainvillas and Orchids in my Gardens at Chateau Du Mer, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines. Here are my postings on these collections for your reading pleasure.

My Cacti Collection https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/2322822668769076508/6015068816183097177?hl=en    

My Hibiscus Collection


My Orchids Collection


My Bougainvillea Collection


Meanwhile, I have also a posting on the Fruit Trees in My Orchard at Chateau Du Mer:

In my website . http://chateaudumer.blogspot.com 

 I described in detail the orchids, bougainvillas, bird of paradise, hibiscus and tropical shrubs that highlighted the 5 acres of landscape property of the Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort and Conference Center in Amoingon, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines. Besides the ornamentals, evergreens and blooming shrubs, I also planted mango, papaya, guava, rambutan, avocado , santol, duhat, cashew, jackfruit, tamarind and lanzones fruit trees. I also planted several varieties of citrus trees, pomelo, lucban, kalamansi, native oranges and lemon trees. 


Meanwhilehere's my quote of the Day! 

Lastly, Did you That?

Jacopo Cardillo, known as Jago, is a famous contemporary sculptor from Anagni (Italy).
His reinterpretation of the Pietà, originally exhibited in the Church of the Artists in Rome, depicts a father holding the body of his son, evoking themes of love and loss. This marble sculpture took months to make. Some have called him the new Michelangelo for the skill and emotional power of his work

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