Macrine and I getting ready for my Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Chemistry graduation ceremonies held at Navy Pier in Chicago, 1964. I have a picture in my graduation gown, but I misplaced it. Some of these days I will find it and upload it in this posting.

My Ph.D(doctorate degree) transcript for my M.S and Ph.D degrees from the University of llinois, 1964

Baby Agnes Katague and Achie Ly Weddimg, Jaro, Iloilo, 1964

Ditas Baptism Party in the News, 1965

After Baptism outside Church with Ninong and Ninang

Chemagro Corp Research Employees, Kansas City, 1966. I am in the second row, first from the Left, #32.

Gladstone Missouri House and outside the Garage, getting Ready for Church, 1965

The 4'D's( Dodie, Dinah. David and Ditas) getting ready for church, Platte Woods, Missouri in 1967

Chemagro Ad for the Kansas City News Paper with my Picture and my other two research mates, 1967.

Me and Macrine at our Swim Club, Gladstone, Missouri,1967. This was the place where Macrine and the kids heard whispers of racism and tint of discrimination because of our Filipino roots, 1966.

The Kids at the Swim Club, Gladstone, and at a nearby reservoir and lake in 1967

The 4 D's ( Dodie, Dinah, David III and Ditas) in front of our first house in Platte Woods, Missouri with the address of 5701 NW Linden Road KC, Mo.,1967

The David J Katague Family taken during Papa David 63rd Birthday in 1968.( Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Philippines)

Macrine and I at a Party Bridge at the Sportsmen Club of Stanislaus County (SOS), Modesto, California, 1970.

Vacation Trip to the Philippines, 1970
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