Sunday, January 12, 2025

What is Grief? Some Memorable Photos of 2024

Grief- A Lesson from the Past!

This is what grief is.

A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.
The hole eventually heals along the jagged edges that remain. It may even shrink in size.
But that hole will always be there.

A piece of you always missing.
For where there is deep grief, there was great love.
Don’t be ashamed of your grief.
Don’t judge it.

Don’t suppress it.
Don’t rush it.
Rather, acknowledge it.
Lean into it.

Listen to it.
Feel it.
Sit with it.
Sit with the pain. And remember the love.
This is where the healing will begin.


“Grief shows up when it wants to. … No matter what you think, no matter how much time has passed, it’ll show up.”

—Tyler Perry

Meanwhile, Here are some memorable photos/mementos that maybe able to cheer you!

Chef Agustin and the Newton's Restaurant_ Photo from the THD FaceBook Page 

Filipino Food Galore---New Cravings- besides Dungeness crabs

Macrine (RIP) and I Dancing the Tango, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines, 2017-Pleasant Memories

Ditas Short Visit here at THD  at Brunch Time, The Newton's Restaurant, THD, September 15, 2024

Photo from the THD FaceBook Page- September 17, 2024-. Mary Fenelon,  John and Carol Larimore and ME.  This photo was taken during my first week of Being a Greeter, introducing the Larimores' to  a few Residents at Dinner Time.  This photo is also featured on THD Video Advertising in FaceBook.  

A stunning Fire Rainbow, 2024- One of my Memorable Photo in my Collection! 

Meanwhile, I won again in the Monday Night Football Poll and shared it with Chuck Daggett.

and Lastly, I Have received a Christmas card from the White House this Year, 2024-Worth Framing- My Long lasting Memories of Joe Biden and his Presidency. Good Bye, Joe!

Thank You, Joe & Jill Biden and Willow. Willow is the President Pet Cat, residing in the White House. I will always remember your Presidency and your Legacy πŸ’što the Nation. Enjoy Your Retirement! President Biden last Day is this coming January 19, 2025. Trump Inauguration Day is January 20, 2025. Did you received an Invitation from Trump?

Friday, January 10, 2025

Paintings on the First and Second Floor Hallways of the Heritage Building

In my previous posting, I have several comments on my postings on the paintings decorating the hallways on the three floors of the Fairmont Building ( THD). One of the comments, I received that the paintings in the Fairmont Building is inferior than the ones decorating the hallways of the Heritage Building. I was curious if this comment is true, so I took sometime to take photos of some of the Paintings in all the four floors of the Heritage Building- The oldest of the 4 buildings in this compound (THD). Here are the photos on the first and second Floor of the Heritage Building.


Here are the paintings, I took on the Second Floor of the Heritage Building

My next blog will be the Paintings on the third and 4th Floor of the Heritage Building

So, if you have seen the paintings in the Fairmont Building, Do you agree that the paintings above are more superior than the paintings in the Fairmont Building?  Do you have any favorites? Let me hear from you!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Katague Grand Children Marinduque Vacation Photos

Getting Ready for a Round Trip Tour of the Island Via The Jeepney. The Jeepney  is a type of public utility vehicle (PUV) that serves as the most popular means of public transportation in the Philippines.

In my previous postings, Marina sent me photos from their recent vacation in Manila and surrounding Suburbs.  They stayed in the big city for 3 days and went to Marinduque- the location of Chateau Du Mer- my former retirement home and beach house in the Philippines.  Alix was with her husband Brendan. Marina was with her partner Wyatt. Philip went along with them. They send photos of the Beach house, and the tourist spots they have visited in the small island of Marinduque. Marinduque is often called the Heart of the Philippines and the Lenten Capital of the Southern Tagalog Region  because of it annual celebration of the Moriones Festival during Easter Week. Here are some of the photos of their trip.   

    Mt Malinding and White Beach, Torrijos, Marinduque ( below is my own photo)

For comparative purposes, the following are photos of Chateau Du Mer in the Years of its Grandeur. I encourage you to open it and ponder at the dramatic difference when a place is maintained as a residence and business compared to when it is vacant with no daily personal care and maintenance. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Responses for Updating My Distribution List for 2025

The other day I sent the following E-mail to about 100 names in my Distribution List. Half of the list are my co-residents here at THD. I believe about 10% in my list are not reading my blogs regularly. I would like to delete their names to declutter.  

" I am cleaning clutter of my E-mail and Distribution List. If you are reading this E-mail, I would appreciate if you tell me you want continue reading my blogs for 2025. Otherwise if I do not hear from you in the next couple of days, I may remove your name in my DL list for my blogs. If You are one of my loyal reader, my million thanks and again my wish for a Prosperous and Productive 2025". 

So far, I received a confirmation for Continuation from around 50 readersone to Discontinue and some with comments (18) that I am reposting. It will be anonymous for privacy reasons. 

1. l look forward to your blogs, David.  I find them very informative and insightful especially about things happening at THD.  And your years of experience about life in general and the way you present them in your special personal way.

2. I am a loyal reader. I found your blogs informative.

3. Keep my name on your list.  Look forward to reading your daily blogs.

4. David, I want to continue reading your blogs, not just for enlightenment, but to watch for what others say about THD! LOL, ♥️  

5. Thanks for your daily blogs -- your windows into our world!  Keep it coming!  

6. Please keep my name on your send list, David…I do enjoy reading your daily blogs.
Thanks so much.  Happy and healthy new year to you and yours!

7. Please keep sending.  I enjoy your blogs

8. Please keep me in your list. I believe your blogs enhances our sense of community and belonging here at THD.  

9. Do not remove my name on your DL list.  I found your blog informative and at times inspiring.  

10. I learned a lot about the Philippines from your blogs. Keep me on the List. I wish I had travel to the Philippines during my younger years.

11. I enjoyed the Meal time conversation segment in your blogs. Keep me on your list.  

12. Keep me on the list. I enjoy reading your articles on Senior Citizen issues  

13. Keep me Informed.  Thanks, as always, David, for enriching our understanding of our complex home, the planet earth. 

14. Do not removed me, David, your blogs open another window into our world, here at THD. 

15. Keep me in the list. Your blog  photos just keep enriching our worlds.. thanks, David!

16. I read your blogs every other day. I enjoyed them, but has no time to make comments. 

 17. Yes!! I’m in.. I read your blogs each day but rarely respond as I think my responses don’t “go through.  I’m currently absorbing the wonderful “80’s… wow!!

18. Hi Dave, Just to let you know that l enjoy reading your blogs - very informative as you touch a variety of topics to write about. Take care.

The rest of the responses were: Keep me on your list!  Again to my loyal readers and to those who responded quickly, my million Thanks, Muchas Gracias, Danke, Merci, Mahalo  and  Maraming Salamat.   

Lastly, here are 2 more buds of my amaryllis Plant. Looking forward for the full blooms.  

and Batman and Robin enjoying the Patio today.


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