Tuesday, December 31, 2024

My Top Five Popular Blogs- Year End Statistics

My own Creation of Winter Landscape Painting Guided by Sunda, Professional Art Teacher, Sat Dec 28, 2024. Mine has the rock near the tree. 

Our teacher, Sunda, Winter Landscape Creation along with two others Participants during this Fun Activity last Saturday.

Question: Do people still read blogs? Is Blogging Dead or still Relevant?

Short answer: yes. A recent survey found that over 60% of all internet users read blogs, while another found that 77% of internet users read blogs daily. That’s over 4 billion readers. And it’s not just older internet users who are into blogs: Statista found that the percentage of young people in the UK reading blogs has grown significantly since 2010.  Considering 60% of Gen Z think a brand’s digital first impressions are more important than in-person ones, it’s clear blog posts play a vital role in perception. 

But why are blogs so popular?  Part of the answer is down to human behaviour. 

We may love video for its visual impact and storytelling power, but if you are looking for information fast, video can feel frustrating. The average reader can read 238 words per minute, far faster than the average speaking speed of 150 words a minute. Additionally, well-structured blog articles feature subheadings to help you find answers quickly. This means blog readers can skim until they get to the information they need – speeding up the process further. 

Once you've found a section that interests you, it's easy to engage deeply with the content. You can easily re-read sections (without having to rewatch a video), and – provided the blog is part of a website with a solid strategy – click around for further reading. 

This is why blogs are still an invaluable informational resource. The next time you need an answer from Google, pay attention to the actions you take. We guarantee you’ll be landing on blog posts remarkably often. What are the benefits of blogging in 2024?

A huge benefit of blogging is due to Google. 

If you’re on the internet, you’re using Google to find things. On average, people conduct three to four Google searches daily. In fact, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine – and Google controls 92% of the search engine market share. That’s why a recent study finding that blogs appear most often in top Google positions is such an encouraging news: It found that blogs appear 23% of the time in the top 5 positions of Google Search


There are 20 types of blogs. My Blogs may be designated as Personal Blogs with No Advertising. I used to have Adsense in my blogs and was earning about $10 per month. I decided to remove it, as ads destruct content in my blogs and created clutter that I did not like. I really do not need the $10 additional income and my readers enjoys reading my blogs without ads and commercials.    

The list of 20 types of blogs is listed in the site below.💚 A few blogs are still a good financial source of income for some bloggers due to ADS and commercials, 


Here are my current statistics ( page views) for my top 5 Blogs as compared to last April, 2023. The last column is the Number of Comments.

                                   Current Page Views   Previous PV      Increase PV      Number of Comments

1. Becoming American (BA)   1, 092, 122           897,997.         194, 125.          309

2. Intellectual Migrants (IM)    938, 247.              838, 082.      100, 165.          559

3. MRQ Awaits You (MAY )    893, 301.             700, 792          192, 509.          218

4. MRQ Island Paradise(MIP)  752, 455.             596, 032        156, 323.          157

5. Chateau Du Mer )CDM)       540, 803              364, 432         181, 471.          375

I am still hoping that my second blog will reach a million page views at mid-year of 2025. 


Here are the statistics (Page Views) of my other Active Blogs:

6. I Left My Heart in Marinduque (Not San Francisco)                        327, 337

7. My AutoBiography ( David B. Katague)                                           314, 789 

8. My Name Spelled Backwards ( Divad B Eugatak)                            309, 390

9. Why Retire in the Philippines                                                             276, 226

10. Joys of Retirement                                                                            193, 874

11. Snowbirds Living in the Philippines                                                 145, 579

Here's statistics of my other semi-active blogs

1. My Published Articles in ViewsHound                                                       91, 689

2. My Favorite American and Filipino Dishes                                                45, 703 

3. Amazing and Sexy Images in the Internet                                                  34, 552

4. Controversial and Award-Winning Movies                                                32, 927

5. The Japanese-American War in the Philippines                                         14, 750 

I hope you continue reading my blogs! Have a Great Day, Every One! 

Meanwhile, Did you Know that :



Monday, December 30, 2024

Turning 90? From My Facebook Page This Morning!

I recently asked a dear friend, who is in his late 80's and nearing 90's, about the changes he has noticed in himself as he’s grown older. His response was so beautiful, I just had to share it with you all:
My Recent purchase from Amazon.

1. I’ve realized that I am not “Atlas.” The world doesn’t rest on my shoulders.

2. I no longer haggle with vegetable or fruit vendors. A few extra pennies won’t hurt me, but it might help them save for their daughter’s school fees.

3. I always leave my waitress a generous tip. That little extra might bring a smile to her face as she works hard for her living.

4. I’ve stopped telling the elderly that they’ve already repeated that story. It allows them to relive their precious memories.

5. I no longer feel the need to correct people, even when I know they’re wrong. It’s not my job to make everyone perfect—peace is far more valuable than perfection.

6. I freely give compliments. They lift the mood of both the giver and receiver. And remember, if you receive one, never turn it down—just say "Thank you."

7. A crease or spot on my shirt? I don’t sweat it anymore. Personality speaks louder than appearances.

8. I’ve learned to walk away from people who don’t value me. They may not know my worth, but I do.

9. I stay calm when others try to outrun me in life’s rat race. I am not a rat, and I’m not racing.

10. I’m no longer embarrassed by my emotions—they’re what make me human.

11. I’ve learned that it’s better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. Ego isolates, but relationships keep you connected.

12. I live each day as if it could be my last, because one day, it just might be.

13. And lastly, I’m doing what makes me happy. I’m responsible for my happiness, and happiness is a choice you can make at any moment.

Why wait until we’re 60, 70, or 80 to start living this way? Let’s practice these lessons now, at any age. My Favorites are Numbers 1, 9 and 12. What are yours?
This insightful message was shared by a wise friend, and I’m simply passing along his words of wisdom.

Meanwhile, here is a photo of Macrine and I ( getting ready for my Ph.D graduation ceremony), Chicago, Illinois, 1964.

and some recent fall plantings in the THD Court Yard:

Fall Plantings of winter flowering plants by the side of the Fairmont Building

A Beautiful Rose still Blooming in Late November after the Rain-Photo taken 11-23-24

Finally, Reaching the age of 90 is an incredible milestone. Only about 16% of men and 31% of women reached this milestone.

At 90, one has likely seen so much—decades of change, growth, joy, and perhaps sorrow.
It’s a time marked by stories and wisdom, by a lifetime that has shaped you and others around you.
But what does the Bible have to say about being 90 years old?
While the Bible doesn’t speak specifically to turning 90, it offers timeless wisdom on aging, purpose, and faith at every stage.
For those who have reached 90, the Bible’s message is one of honor, strength, and hope.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Guided Winter Landscape Painting Activity

My Winter Landscape Painting Creation with Art Teacher Sindu. Thank You, Sindu and Cydney for your guidance,  

Yesterday's  Painting Activity here at THD hosted by Cydney and guided by Sindu, Professional art teacher was a resounding success. There were more than ten senior residents who participated  and I am one of the lucky one who enjoyed the activity so much.  I felt I have created something special, beyond my capability.  Cydney took some pictures and I very delighted to share it with you- my loyal readers all over the World. 

Kudos and Congratulations to Cydney for a well-organized and well-executed activity.
Meanwhile, Did you Know that-----
Philippine crocodiles (Crocodylus mindorensis), one of the rarest crocodiles in the world, once inhabited the Pasig River. Urbanization forced them out of their habitat, but this highlights the river's ecological significance.
The Philippine crocodile is now critically endangered, with only a few hundred individuals remaining in the wild.
These crocodiles played a crucial role in maintaining the balance of river ecosystems by controlling fish and other aquatic populations.
Various conservation programs are in place to protect the remaining populations of Philippine crocodiles and restore their natural habitats.
The Pasig River's historical significance as a habitat for these crocodiles underscores the impact of urbanization on wildlife and the importance of sustainable development.

Finally, here's the baseball cap I ordered from Amazon the other day, on my turning 90!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Christmas Photos and A Newsletter from Relatives

In this posting is the Christmas Newsletter of My son, Dodie as well as the Christmas Family Photos from my two siblings respectively.

My brother is a resident of Sydney, Australia. My sister is a resident of Maryland, USA

I have closed relatives all over the world. I have two living brothers. I  have a brother in Sydney, Australia and one living brother in the Philippines. They are both married with children and Grand Children.  I have three younger sisters. The oldest one is residing in New Zealand and Toronto with her children and grandchildren.  My next younger sister resides in Maryland.   My youngest sister resides in Iloilo, Philippines. We normally communicate via FB messaging or e-mail.  The photos here were taken from their FaceBook pages.    

The above is the two-page 2024 Christmas Newsletter of my son, Dodie ( His Family Travels and Activities). I believe in the statement that travel as much as you can when your body and mind can still do it. For his short bio read: 


My brother Efren and his Family, Sydney, Australia. 2024.  Note that his son, my namesake visited me here at THD recently and made a video for my 90th Birthday ( At Back, first from Right). Merry Christmas to You All!

This is my sister(Agnes) Family from Maryland, She is in the Second Row, Third from the Right. 

Lastly, here are the photos of my Three Living Children and Five Grandchildren who were able to attend my 90th Birthday. My number six Grand Daughter a Resident of Portland, Oregon was not able attend my party last December 21, 2024. 

Dodie (Diosdado), ME, Dinah and Ditas Macrine 
From Left to Right: Philip Katague, Marina Katague, Alix Katague-Quinn, Me, Carenna Katague Thompson and Ian Katague King 

I have not received current Christmas Photos from my other closed Relatives in the Philippines and Canada or in their Face Book Pages.

This was my second Christmas Year at THD and I am aging gracefully. Thank You Lord for all your blessings.     

1. Chinese: "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now."
(Emphasizing the importance of taking action without delay.)
2. Japanese: "Fall seven times, stand up eight."
(Encouraging perseverance through adversity.)
3. Indian: "The tree does not bother about flowers that fall."
(Teaching detachment and letting go.)
4. Korean: "Even monkeys fall from trees."
(Acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes.)
5. Vietnamese: "Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet."
(Highlighting the bond of family.)
6. Thai: "If you pick up one end of a stick, you also pick up the other."
(Actions come with consequences.)
7. Persian: "A stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time."
(The importance of timing.)
8. Filipino: "He who does not look back at where he came from will never get to his destination."
(Valuing gratitude and humility.)
9. Chinese: "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
(Learning from others experiences.)
10. Japanese: "A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle."
(Strength in unity.)
11. Indian: "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
(Valuing education and knowledge.)
12. Korean: "A tiger s stripes are on the outside, but a man s are on the inside."
(Character defines a person.)
13. Vietnamese: "When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree."
(Gratitude for past efforts.)
14. Thai: "Do not let your shadow walk you."
(Don t let fear or the past control you.)
15. Mongolian: "The first glass is for the guest, the second for enjoyment, the third for chaos."
(Moderation is key.)
16. Tibetan: "A hundred male and a hundred female qualities make a perfect human being."
(Balance and harmony create perfection.)
17. Chinese: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
(Starting is the key to achievement.)

May You All Have A Safe and Prosperous New Year, 2025!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

If You Have the Funds, Would You Buy This Painting?

L’empire des lumières, 1954 


A century after  published his Surrealist Manifesto’s L’empire des lumières (1954) became the most expensive Surrealist artwork ever to sell at auction, achieving $121.16 million at Christie’s New York in November. The painting—hailed as the “crown jewel” of American interior designer Mica Ertegun’s collection by the auction house—shattered the artist’s auction record, previously set at Sotheby’s London in 2022 for L’empire des lumières (1961), which sold for £59.42 million ($79.24 million).

Measuring approximately 5 by 4 feet, this painting is one of the largest works in Magritte’s famed “Empire of Light” series, which comprises 27 variations on the surreal theme of juxtaposed day and night imagery. The serene scene features a house lit by a single streetlamp, its warm yellow glow reflected in a body of water below, while the sky above remains a daytime blue scattered with clouds. Slightly shrouded by silhouetted trees, the painting evokes a dreamlike contrast between light and shadow, day and night.

Another version of the Belgian artist’s “Empire of Light” series gained attention when it was showcased in the Belgian pavilion at the 1954 Venice Biennale before joining Peggy Guggenheim’s collection. Magritte subsequently expanded the theme into a series over the following 15 years to satisfy demand from eager collectors.

I would! 

Here's a list of the top 10 most expensive works of art sold at auction in 2024.


Meanwhile, enjoy this photo of my Camelia Bloom from My Patio

Lastly, here are two of my favorite Christmas gift this year.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

An Unexpected Christmas Card from the Beverly Oakhurst

Yesterday in the early morning a beautifully red-ribboned laced envelop with a Christmas Card was dropped in the front door of my apartment. It was from the Beverly Oakhurst and addressed to TBO residents ( see photos above).

This was my first time I heard of the Beverly Oakhurst.  I was curious and googled the Beverly Oakhurst ( see reference below) and I had a feeling it was a mixed up or somebody inside is advertising the apartment Facility in Beverly Hills. 

A few hours later, I saw my next door neighbor getting an identical card. She asked somebody in the Front Desk. It was confirmed a corporate mixed-up occurred. We will appreciate confirmation, if this is really true. 

Meanwhile here's a photo of the Beverly Oakhurst Apartments from the Internet. A detailed description of the Condo/Apartment Facility please read the site below:    


If this is a corporate mixed-up, this would mean that THD and Beverly Oakhurst have the same corporate management and ownership. Thank You for the Christmas Card Greeting anyway!  

Finally, here's a Christmas Photo of Me and Santa Claus ( Eric Cox) at the Heritage Lobby, 2023

Have a Joyful Christmas Day ! Here are the 10 ways Christmas

is celebrated in the Philippines. 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Facts about the Cassava and Bamboo in the Philippines.

From My FaceBook Page the other day. I grew up with these two plants during my childhood years in the Philippines. Bamboo and Cassava Plants are all over our backyard. These are two of the many tropical plants I am familiar with.
1. Highly profitable crop-Cassava is more profitable than maize. The gross margins per hector of Cassava is three times higher than that of maize.

2. Ready Market: Cassava is very easy to sell. The domestic market is huge. Cassava is also used for industrial purposes like in baking, making of cardboards, packaging materials, beer, starch, glue, baking and many more. Therefore the market for both cassava chips and flour is huge

3. Cassava is drought resistant compared to maize, making it a good for household and national food security

4. Cassava is easy to store. The crop can be harvested only as needs arise. The surplus can be stored under ground thereby resulting in low post harvest losses.

5. The crop is desease resistant. No need for insecticides, thus cheaper and easy to manage

6. Can grow almost everywhere, regardless of the soil fertility

7. Multiple uses-. All parts of the plant are useful. Leaves can be used for vegetables, stems are used for planting, roots or tubers can be used to make floor, chips, or can be eaten raw.

8. Widely consumed in many African regions countries. Staple food in many regions

9. Can be processed using the most basic or natural methods like just socking, sun-drying and pounding

10. Huge demand for both domestic and industrial use

11. Can be inter-cropped with other crops like millet, groundnuts and beans

12. Does not require any chemical fertilizers, making it cheaper to grow

13. Rich source of starch and carbohydrates, making it a good security crop

14. Complementarity-Cassava can be consumed together or mixed with other crops. Tates supper with groundnuts, beans. Cassava floor mixed with maize meal tastes better.

15. Huge potential for commercialization- cassava can easily or will soon be a commercial crop given it's multiple industrial uses like the making of starch, flour, beer etc.

16. Nutritious-Cassava leaves are nutritious with some medicinal properties

Cassava Cake💚 is delicious and nutritious. The Cabunocs, two of my guests at my 90th Birthday Party last Saturday, brought me a Cassava Cake with Jack fruit. It was delicious.

B: Some Facts about Bamboo:

1. Fast Growth: Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world. It has been recorded at growing 47.6 inches in 24 hours. Some species can even grow over a meter per day under optimal conditions. A new bamboo shoot reaches its full height in less than a year.

2. Oxygen Release: A grove of bamboo releases 35% more oxygen than any other tree out there.

3. Carbon Dioxide Absorption: Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate of 17 tons per hectare every year. It can act as a valuable carbon sink given how fast the plant grows.

4. No Fertilizer Required: Bamboo doesn’t need fertilizer to grow. It can self-mulch by dropping its leaves and use the nutrients to grow.

5. Drought Resistance: Bamboos are drought-tolerant plants. They can grow in the desert.

6. Wood Replacement: Bamboos can be harvested in 3-5 years compared to the 20-30 years of most softwood trees.

7. Building Material: Bamboo is incredibly strong and sturdy. It has been used as support for concrete as well as scaffolding, bridges, and houses.

8. Soil Stability: Bamboo has a wide network of underground roots and rhizomes that prevent soil erosion.

9. Natural Air Conditioner: Bamboo cools the air surrounding it by up to 8 degrees in the summer.

10. Invasiveness: Some species of bamboo, especially ‘running’ bamboos, can be invasive due to their extensive root systems, which allow them to spread rapidly. However, not all species are invasive, and with proper management, the environmental impact can be minimized.

Meanwhile, From My Former Garden- My Doggie Pepper- Its not an AI generated photo. It's the real thing!
Lastly, Did you Know that, Apo Reef is a coral reef system in the Philippines situated in the western waters of Occidental Mindoro province in the Mindoro Strait. The reef and its surrounding waters are protected areas administered as the Apo Reef Natural Park (ARNP). It is one of the best known and most popular diving regions in the country, and is on the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Finally looking forward for our Christmas Eve ( tonite) and New Year's Eve ( 12/31/24)Dinners.
I plan on enjoying the Crab cakes and Pan Seared Scallops and Dutch apple pie a la mode
For New Years Eve, I have reserved the lobster bisque soup, smoked salmon platter, Baked Lobster Tail and the Chocolate Cake with Strawberries

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Paintings in the Other Two Floors of the Fairmont Building

The New Outdoor Furniture on the Entrance of the Fairmont Building By the Courtyard

My previous posting of the paintings and art work on the First Floor of the Fairmont Building (THD) received several positive comments. This inspired me to take photos of some of the other paintings I like in the hallways of all floors of the other 3 buildings ( Heritage, Plaza and Liberty) as well as both the second and third floor of Fairmont.  This posting will be on the hallway of the Second and Third Floors of the Fairmont Building. Enjoy! 
The following Paintings are from the Second Floor

Do you have a Favorite? Mine is the White Heron and Her Baby! 

The following are from the Third Floor including a Door Decor for the Holidays

Guess whose Room Decor is This? 

Christmas Door Decor on the Second Floor of the Fairmont Building- Very Christmasy Spirit!

Lastly, here is a photo of some Residents in their Ugly Sweater on December 20, 2024-my 90th BD.

The design photo( St Nick) in my sweater looked like me, some of the residents commented. Really? Ugly?


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